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The Earth is a planet full of diversity, home to 1 trillion species, but it is facing severe environmental issues tied to human consumption and population growth. 17 leading scientists have outlined the likely future trends in biodiversity extinction, climate disruption, and planetary toxification, which will worsen over the coming decades and threaten the survival of all species, including humans. The message is frightening, but scientists state that accuracy and directness are necessary for humanity to understand the enormity of the challenges we face. The project aims to make readers reflect upon this serious issue.


We understand that nuclear energy is a complex and often controversial topic, but we believe that by educating the public on central nuclear, we can help dispel misconceptions and promote informed decision-making. 


Central nuclear power plants generate clean, reliable, and cost-effective electricity, without emitting greenhouse gases. They have proven to be a sustainable and efficient source of energy for many countries around the world.

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